Food Forest


Bollie de Otter


Schools in Southern Suriname


Food Gardens


Tuhka Roasted Nuts


Busi Taki


Citizen science


93% Bos. 100% Surinaams.

Suriname is the Most Forested Country on Earth with 93% forest cover.
We believe striving to keep 93% forest, is 100% Surinamese. Don’t you?

At COP-23 in Bonn, Germany, the Suriname Government pledged to work towards keeping 93% forest cover, forever. At the same time, the Government indicated they would need the help of the global community to be able to achieve this goal mainly in the form of financial compensation and capacity-building.

Forest93 is a national campaign by the Green Growth Suriname Foundation to sensitize the public on the many values of our nature. The campaign has many different initiatives who focus on creating awareness on the need for legislation, creating innovative tools for new ways of data-collection, and sharing information on nature and its many benefits to Suriname, our kids and our joint future.