Development of Citizen Science

Suriname is the most forested country on earth, but lacks comprehensive data sets on forest, biodiversity and climate change; especially from the interior. GGS is developing a platform for citizen science to create additional datasets which are available for policymakers and academics to help informed decision-making. The initiatives developed are:

  1. A Green Growth Forests app to alert deforestation, logging and/or (illegal) wood transportation
  2. A Green Growth Wildlife app to monitor wildlife populations– currently in development
    This app will catalogue information on wildlife in Suriname
  3. Research into local Climate Change Indicators; 10 students from Anton de Kom University are researching local indicators for climate change throughout various landscapes in Suriname
  4. Living lab field tests – currently in development; GGS is planning to set up living labs throughout the country, where citizens can help collect data in an interactive manner. Currently, consultants are developing interactive field lab tests for children on primary and middle school level, to be integrated in a STREAM-module education.

The platform is continuously developing and in need of new additions.
Total investment need per year:          US$ 30,000 
Funded:                                                    US$ 30,000 | 100%
Funds needed:                                         US$ 0